Access multiple translations of a field in Tryton

A short blog post on how to access multiple translations of a field in the Tryton ERP.

Migrate from Perforce to Git

A short guide on how to migrate from Perforce to Git with support for incremental updates and history rewriting.

Mutt: automatically display an e-mail as HTML

In Mutt, show the HTML version of an e-mail for sites that send a broken text representation.

Vim: substitute inside a visual selection

How to substitute inside a visual selection with vim.

November 24, 2015

Using mutt alias files for email address completion

Convert data from an LDAP server to Mutt query format and use it for email address completion.

Subscribe to public calendars with OwnCloud

How to subscribe to public calendars with OwnCloud and vdirsyncer.

Processing jasper subreports with JasperStarter

Use JasperStarter to process JasperReports containing subreports with xml as datasource.

Extracting tabular data from pdf files

Using pdftotext, sed and LibreOffice to extract tabular data from pdf files.

Mocking open() in Python 3 unit tests

How to mock calls to open() without interfering with the builtin open().

On sending GnuPG public keys with Mutt on Arch Linux

What happens when you send public keys with the extension .asc using Mutt on Arch Linux.