At work, we are currently migrating away from a proprietary ERP software package to Tryton. There are several reasons why we decided to switch and one them is that Tryton provides an API and sane data access. Being a free software project, there are libraries and tools available to get access to the data. This is a good foundation to build your own tools on top.

Tryton provides a client library called Proteus for programmatic data access. The first tool that I built on top of Proteus is called pedantic bot. It nags about inconsistencies and errors in the database. For example, the pedantic bot checks for the following issues:

  • Leading/trailing whitespace in fields
  • Control characters in fields
  • Inconsistent formatting of fields (phone numbers, …)
  • Incomplete data records (e.g. contact information is missing)
  • Missing descriptions

Tryton allows to translate some of the fields where it makes sense to have them available in multiple languages (product name, a description, payment terms, …). The pedantic bot should check all the translations alike. It took me a while to figure out how to get access to a field in a particular translation, so here is a short demo on how to accomplish it in Tryton 3.8. It should work on other versions too:


from proteus import config
from proteus import Model

def main(username, password, host, port, db):
    # Connect to Tryton.
    current_config = config.set_xmlrpc(
        'https://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(username, password, host, port, db))

    # Get the product model.
    Product = Model.get('product.product')

    # Print the product information in de_DE.
    with current_config.set_context({'language': 'de_DE'}):
        for record in Product.find():
            print(u'Name: {}'.format(record.rec_name))
            print(u'Description: {}'.format(record.description))

    # Print the product information in en_US.
    with current_config.set_context({'language': 'en_US'}):
        for record in Product.find():
            print(u'Name: {}'.format(record.rec_name))
            print(u'Description: {}'.format(record.description))

    # Print the product information in the language that is configured for the
    # connected user.
    for record in Product.find():
        print(u'Name: {}'.format(record.rec_name))
        print(u'Description: {}'.format(record.description))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main('username', 'password', 'hostname', '9000', 'db')

Save this script as, install Proteus and run:

$ python

The solution is to set the desired language in the context: with current_config.set_context({'language': 'en_US'}). Have fun.