Times in Tryton

The relation between date and time fields in Tryton.

Tryton keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for date, datetime, time, and timedelta widgets in Tryton.

Notes on upgrading from Tryton 4.0 to Tryton 4.2

A few notes on the upgrade from Tryton 4.0 to Tryton 4.2.

Transparently edit Ansible Vault files with Vim

A few Vim autocommands to transparently edit Ansible Vault files with Vim.

Recover most of a broken Git repository

Repair as much as possible from a Git repository with broken blob objects and no backups available.

Notes on upgrading from Tryton 3.8 to Tryton 4.0

Some notes on the obstacles I encountered during the upgrade from Tryton 3.8 to Tryton 4.0.

Using self-signed certificates

How to install self-signed certificates both system-wide and for a virtualenv.

Unattended-upgrades for Jenkins 2.x

Configuring unattended-upgrades for Jenkins 2.x

Transfer files between two hosts via an intermediate host

A few option to copy files between two hosts using an intermediate host

Migrating to Nextcloud 9.0

How to migrate from ownCloud 8.2.5 to Nextcloud 9.0.50