Sync date and time on an offline Fronius Datalogger
What happens when one does not use open standards for common tasks.
What happens when one does not use open standards for common tasks.
Setting up Tryton's GTK client inside a virtualenv.
Using SQLAlchemy's Automap along with custom types for convenient data access.
Keyboard shortcuts for date, datetime, time, and timedelta widgets in Tryton.
A few notes on the upgrade from Tryton 4.0 to Tryton 4.2.
Some notes on the obstacles I encountered during the upgrade from Tryton 3.8 to Tryton 4.0.
A short blog post on how to access multiple translations of a field in the Tryton ERP.
A short guide on how to migrate from Perforce to Git with support for incremental updates and history rewriting.
A cheatsheet for the Python Debugger (pdb and ipbd).
A short blog post on how to use rstblog.