Almost four years after the initial commit, I’m really happy to announce the first release of Feeds! Feeds provides Atom/RSS feeds in times of social media and paywall. From the documentation:

Once upon a time every website offered an RSS feed to keep readers updated about new articles/blog posts via the users’ feed readers. These times are long gone. The once iconic orange RSS icon has been replaced by “social share” buttons.

Feeds aims to bring back the good old reading times. It creates Atom feeds for websites that don’t offer them (anymore). It allows you to read new articles of your favorite websites in your feed reader (e.g. TinyTinyRSS) even if this is not officially supported by the website.

Feeds is able to create full text Atom feeds for many different sites. Head over to the list of supported websites to see if your favourite site is supported.

You may install Feeds directly from PyPi (please note that the name on PyPi is different):

$ pip install PyFeeds
$ feeds crawl

Have a look at the quickstart section for more usage information.

While I started the project back in 2016, it was Lukas that really kept the project going and contributed most of the code to it. Thank you and all other contributors very much!