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Migrating to Nextcloud 9.0

A few days ago Nextcloud was officially announced and the Nextcloud team crafted a new release rather quickly.

The following steps were required to migrate from ownCloud 8.2.5 to Nextcloud 9.0.50:

  • Create a backup of the current ownCloud installation.
  • Install Nextcloud by following this migration guide.
  • Perform the actual upgrade for all apps: $ php occ upgrade --no-app-disable.
  • For each third party app: disable it in the WebUI, reload, enable it in the WebUI.
  • Recover missing files: $ php occ files:scan --all.
  • Check if the calendar/contacts migration worked as expected.
  • Update the Nginx configuration.
  • Remove the old ownCloud installation.
  • For each mobile phone: replace the ownCloud app with the Nextcloud app.

Have fun.


tagged Nextcloud, migration and ownCloud